The links below provide information on various research compliance requirements both regulatory and financial.
Regulatory Compliance
a. Financial Conflict of Interest Procedures – If you receive federally funded awards or are conducting human subjects research, you must complete the COI Training course at least once every 4 years. You access the COI Training course via Canvas using your NetID and password. For further details, Conflict of Interest Training Course.
b. Effort Commitments and Payroll Certification – Effort must be reported and certified for all individuals who receive salary support from a sponsored project or who expend committed effort on a sponsored project regardless of receiving salary support from the sponsor.
c. Outside Activities Reporting – Faculty and staff participation in outside activities may generate conflicts between the needs of the institution and the outside entity. UW–Madison understands that these conflicts are common, frequently unavoidable, and can often be appropriately managed.
d. Export Controls – Even though openness in research and free dissemination of research results are core values at UW–Madison that are institutionalized in research policy, export control laws can still apply to many activities related to the teaching, research and service missions at UW–Madison.
Research Protocols
a. Human Subjects – The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) provides oversight for all research activities involving human participants at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
b. Animal Use – When funds received by UW-Madison support live, vertebrate animal research, the campus’ animal care program must be satisfied that research is performed in accordance with the UW-Madison’s animal program standards.
c. Stem Cells – Following guidelines established by the National Academies and the National Institutes of Health UW-Madison has adopted policies and procedures governing research involving human pluripotent stem cells that ensure adherence to ethical and legal principles, as well as state and federal regulations.
c. Biosafety – The UW–Madison provides assurances that its sponsored research activities are in compliance with state and federal regulations and guidelines for research activities involving biologically hazardous materials and/or recombinant DNA molecules/organisms.
CoE Policies
a. Extramural Financial Risks Policy
Conflict of Commitment
Unclassified staff are required to notify their Dean by use the Outside Activities Report if they anticipate exceeding the time limits described in the policy in order to receive approval in advance:
- UW Conflict of Commitment Policy
- UW FAQs about Time Commitments Reporting
- College of Engineering Conflict of Commitment Approval Request Form